PASS IT ON is not a charity it is a social initiative that runs alongside my business.
It is a community of people that care about other people when they are down on their luck or struggling through their personal situations. From passing on items of furniture, TVs etc.. to food Hampers PASS IT ON is involved in a lot of community projects. This year we placed 3 students in Scholarships and last year through care packs for the Homeless, Womens refuges parcels and Santa toys for 80 children in refuge we were able to help over 540 people… We had a princess day for a young lady suffering with long term illness this year and on Valentines day we run LOVE BLAST where 101 people buy a Valentine card for a person in touble, they write a lovely message on it and stick a fiver in the envelope.. this can be an huge boost to someone who thinks that they dont matter.

Operation Snowball
Date: 10th December
Time: 10am to 12 noon
Location: Sedgwicks Sandymount
*WHITE SNOWBALLS Children’s Santa Toys for Children in Refuge.
*PINK SNOWBALLS New PJs, Toiletries, Socks, New Towels etc..Christmas Eve gift for women in Refuge.
*PURPLE SNOWBALLS Christmas gift packs & Socks for service users of St John Of Gods.

The MINDING YOUR OWN SELF page will link up with the bi weekly podcast presented by Helen and produced by RICC It is a mental

PASS IT ON is 22years old this Jan,it helped 507 people in 2017…by 2019 it was 604 and in 2020 1,526 people were shown an act of kindness thanks to this community of people who care!
People now call me all year around if they have something that they want to donate. I have had to turn down donations of items

LOVE BLAST 2020 Thank you
“I want to thank you Helen and all the people who contributed to the wonderful surprise. It gave me such a lift and faith that

THANK YOU so much to everyone who supported or donated a snowball to Operation Snowball this year you have helped over 600 people. Operation Snowball