THANK YOU so much to everyone who supported or donated a snowball to Operation Snowball this year you have helped over 600 people.

Operation Snowball 2021
Our big event is OPERATION SNOWBALL.. This is where we are given the use of a local business premises (SEDGWICK) in Sandymount on DECEMBER 12TH 10am to 12 noon. Everyone who has pledged a SNOWBALL drops it off and meets Santa and all his helpers who make sure that all the parcels are delivered to the various recipients that day. It is a magical experience to see so many people turn up to help those less fortunate.
If you would like to be involved you can choose from any of these SNOWBALLS and pledge it for Dec 12th. You can drop it off on the day and have a real Christmas feel good experience.
If you need more details Text or Call me on 086 2441113.
*WHITE SNOWBALLS Children’s Santa Toys for Children in Refuge.
*PINK SNOWBALLS New PJs, Toiletries, Socks, New Towels etc..Christmas Eve gift for women in Refuge.
*PURPLE SNOWBALLS Christmas gift packs & Socks for service users of St John Of Gods.
*RED SNOWBALLS This is 10eur in an envelope, each envelope will buy 4 Dinners.